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Project Profile

Purpose: The Project Profile page provides users quick access to primary project information such as name and status. 

Overview/How To: The Project Profile tab allows users to add or edit the Project Name, Project Status, Region, and Icon. Users can also delete the project in this section. 

Site Shepherd Project Templates will come pre-named. Newly created user projects will display the name provided when the project was created by the user. Users can change the name in the text box provided to the right of the Project Name label in this section.

The Project Status has three options it may be set to: (1) Active, (2) On Hold, or (3) Closed. All Projects set to Active status count toward a user’s subscription project limitations.

The project Region indicates the type of regional review level that the project will focus on. Regions include Country, County/Parish, CSA, MSA, Other, Site/Building, State/Province, and Zip Code.

The project Icon is an image that may be used to visually represent a project. The icon is displayed on project tiles on the My Projects page, as well as throughout the project’s analytic pages. This icon visually distinguishes the project from all others. The icon can be added, edited, or removed at any time in this section.

Where Do You Find the Project Profile?